Huan Zhu

Interview with China Expert Scott Kennedy on US-China Relations (Part I)

Recently, China Trade Monitor had the honor of sitting down with Scott Kennedy, senior adviser and Trustee Chair in Chinese Business and Economics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a think tank based in Washington DC. During the interview, Kennedy talked about both U.S. trade policy

Cyber Expert Comments on China's Data Governance

Samm Sacks, a Senior Fellow at Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center and cyber policy fellow at New America, a think tank based in Washington, DC, recently made some remarks on the key pieces of Chinese legislation on cyber and data, as well as the current status of

China's Ambassador to EU Talks Investment Treaty and China-EU Relationship

During recent interviews, the new Ambassador to the EU, Fu Cong, played up the relationship with the European Union, and laid out his proposal to revive the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI), which was concluded in 2020 but put on ice after after sanctions from both sides caused the relationship

Liu and Yellen Meeting: Cooperation on Climate Finance, But Differences Remain

Today, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He and U.S. Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen met in Zurich, Switzerland. The two sides found some common ground for cooperation, and both officials called for keeping the communication channel open. However, it will take more work to alter the current trajectory of bilateral

U.S. and Taiwan Wrap Up Second Round of Trade Talks

Officials from the United States and Taiwan held the second round of negotiations for the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade this week in Taipei, and delivered some results that a Taiwanese top official said he is "quite satisfied with."

China Will Continue Reform and Opening Up, Says Vice Premier at Davos

Speaking at the World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting in Davos, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He said that China will bring in more imports and foreign investment, and called for international collaboration on economic development and environmental protection. As Liu is stepping down in March, China's economic policy

U.S. District Court Finds No Conflict Between Chinese PIPL and Discovery Process, Grants Motion To Compel Document Production

In a recent case before the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, Magistrate Judge Barbara Moses dismissed the defendants' argument that legal obligations under China's Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL) prevent them from providing personal information relevant to the case, as she found "
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