Huan Zhu

Are We Entering a New Era of Trade Wars over Chinese EVs?

Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) are facing increasing challenges in multiple domestic markets around the world, confronting tariffs and other restrictive measures. In response, China has adopted a multifaceted approach, employing both unilateral and multilateral strategies to retaliate against these trade barriers. The new development could escalate tensions and potentially lead

Updated Review of China's Sanctions Measures

Over the past month, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announced two sets of sanctions measures on twelve U.S. companies and ten executives of sanctioned entities, citing arms sales to Taiwan.

China Imposes Provisional Anti-Dumping Duties on EU Brandy

On October 8, China's Ministry of Commerce announced provisional anti-dumping measures against EU brandy. This is part of an ongoing trade remedy tit-for-tat between China and the European Union.

China Trade Monitor Database of Chinese Government Sanctions

The China Sanctions Database is now available on China Trade Monitor. The database will cover all sanctions announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) under the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law and by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) under the Export Control Law and the Provisions on the List of Unreliable

Beijing Publishes 2023 Outbound FDI Data

China's 2023 report on foreign direct investment (FDI) revealed that Chinese investment reached US$177.29 billion last year, with the majority going to Asian countries, while FDI in the EU and the U.S. dropped.

China Releases WTO Compliance Report on U.S.

In September, China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) issued a report on the WTO compliance of the U.S., the second report of this kind. It labelled Washington as "a destroyer of the multilateral trading system," "a practitioner of unilateralism and bullying," "a manipulator

China's First Case on AI Voice Infringement

A recent case at the Beijing Internet Court tested the boundaries of intellectual property rights and the right to voice in the age of AI. The case involves Microsoft.
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