Canadian Shipbuilders Call for Surtax on Chinese Ships
Following the Canadian government decision to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs, steel, and aluminum last week, the Canadian Marine Industries and Shipbuilding Association (CMISA) has called for tariffs on Chinese-built ships as well.
CTM Weekly Newsletter
This past week, CTM covered the following issues:
In China:
* Wang-Sullivan meeting
* China's preliminary anti-dumping ruling on EU brandy
* Prospects of China raising tariffs on big engine cars
In North America:
* U.S. court case on Chinese solar company and forced labor
* USTR solicits comments on China'
USTR Solicits Comments on China's WTO Complaint on IRA Subsidies
With a WTO panel on the verge of being established, USTR is asking stakeholders for comments on a Chinese complaint against tax incentives under the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
China Issues Preliminary Anti-Dumping Ruling on EU Brandy
Today, China's Ministry of Commerce published its preliminary ruling in the anti-dumping investigation on EU brandy, finding that dumping had occurred but deciding not to impose anti-dumping duties for the time being.
U.S. Government Argues for Dismissal of Solar Forced Labor Case
In response to a federal lawsuit by a Chinese solar company on the exclusion of its products due to forced labor concerns, the U.S. government has filed a motion to dismiss the case, arguing that the company does not have proper standing to file the complaint.
Wang and Sullivan Talk, While Sanctions Battle Continues
Over the course of the two-day meeting between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan this week, discussions centered on mutual sanctions, but no consensus was reached, suggesting that the impasse may persist for some time.
Canadian Parliament Trade Committee To Discuss Chinese EV Tariffs
At a meeting of the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade last week, Conservative MP Ryan Williams spoke about concerns with Chinese EV imports and called for a series of meetings with government officials and stakeholders to study the issue.