CFIUS 2024 Annual Report Offers Latest Data on Reviews of Chinese Investment in U.S.

On July 23, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), an interagency body that reviews certain transactions involving foreign investment in the United States to determine the effect on national security, released its annual report to Congress for 2024.

Nippon-Baosteel Split Could Help Facilitate Nippon Purchase of U.S. Steel

Nippon Steel's offer to buy U.S. Steel has generated controversy in the U.S., in part due to Nippon's connections with Chinese producer Baosteel. In the midst of a national security investigation of the U.S. Steel purchase, Nippon has now severed this China tie.

Chinese Auto Industry Criticizes EU's EV Investigation

A Chinese industry association and a major automaker criticized the European Commission's anti-subsidy investigation of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) as being inconsistent with WTO rules. Criticisms include inflating the subsidy rate, a lack of transparency, an unusual sampling process, and requesting excessive information.

Chinese Subsidy Transparency, U.S. Chip Subsidies, CVDs against China Discussed at WTO Committee Meetings

At two recent meetings of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, China raised a number of concerns with the countervailing duty investigations and practices of other WTO Members, as well as criticizing U.S. subsidies to the semiconductor industry; and several Members criticized China's

Mexican Minister Calls for Rebalancing China Trade

At a recent event in San Luis Potosí, Mexican Finance Minister Rogelio Ramírez de la O set out his vision for greater industrial production in Mexico and North America, in order to reduce dependence on China.

MOFCOM Finalizes 43.5% Anti-Dumping Duties on U.S. Chemicals

China's Ministry of Commerce announced the final ruling on the anti-dumping investigation of U.S. propionic acid last week, sustaining a preliminary ruling.

Beijing Removes Viasat from Sanctions List

China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced today that it was removing sanctions on U.S. communications company Viasat. This is the first time that China has publicly removed a company from its sanctions list.
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