Beijing 2022 Olympics

Total 7 Posts

Japan Takes Measured Approach to Sending Government Officials to Beijing Olympics

Last week, Japan announced that it would not send a government delegation of senior officials to the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics. Kyodo News said [] that the decision was "seen as in line with a U.S.-led diplomatic boycott of

Australia Announces Diplomatic Boycott of Beijing Olympics [Update: Canada and UK Make Announcements Too]

At a press conference [] on December 8, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that Australia "will not be sending any official representatives to the forthcoming Winter Games in China." He cited "the human rights abuses in Xinjiang and the many

Biden Administration Announces "Diplomatic Boycott" of Beijing Olympics

At separate press conferences on December 6, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki and State Department spokesperson Ned Price confirmed various news reports that the United States would carry out a "diplomatic boycott" of the 2022 Beijing Olympics. Psaki and Price both described the action in the following terms:

Recent European Discussion of an Olympic Boycott

Last week, there was discussion in both the UK and European Parliaments of a possible "diplomatic boycott" of the Beijing Olympics in 2022. Parliamentary leaders are not the ones making the final decision on this issue, but nevertheless the views of legislators could have an impact and are

Canadian Parliament Passes Resolution Calling for Moving the Beijing Olympics

On February 18, as part of the consideration in the Canadian House of Commons of a “non-binding resolution” on whether the treatment of the Uighurs constitutes genocide, a provision was added [] that calls upon the International Olympic

U.S. House Resolution Introduced to Press for Moving the 2022 Olympics Out of China, or to Boycott if They Are Not Moved

On February 15, 2021, Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL) introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives [] (H.Res.129) “[u]rging the United States Olympic Committee, the International Olympic Committee, and the Olympic Committees of other countries to take certain actions

U.S. House Resolution Introduced to "Rebid the 2022 Olympic Winter Games" and Boycott if They Are Held in China

On February 11, 2021, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) introduced a concurrent resolution in the House of Representatives [] (H.Con.Res.16) “[u]rging that the International Olympic Committee rebid the 2022 Olympic Winter Games, and expressing the sense of Congress that the
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