Biden Administration
Total 76 Posts
As Section 301 Tariff Review Decision Nears, Biden Administration Gets More Pressure to Keep or Increase Tariffs
As the U.S. Trade Representative's Office (USTR) continues its review of the Section 301 tariffs imposed by the Trump administration on the basis of China’s policies in the area of intellectual property, technology transfer, and innovation, a group of seven Democratic Senators, led by Sherrod Brown
President Biden Calls for Tripling Section 301 Tariffs on Chinese Steel/Aluminum as Part of Review
Yesterday, President Biden called for increasing tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum, as well as addressing problems related to transshipment of Chinese steel and aluminum through Mexico.
At Press Conference, Yellen Elaborates on Biden Administration Approach to Chinese Overcapacity
At a press conference on Monday, several reporters pressed U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on the Biden administration's strategy for addressing Chinese industrial overcapacity, in light of her comments about the issue during her visit to China.
First Meeting of China-U.S. Commercial Issues Working Group
Last week, Chinese MOFCOM officials led by vice minister Wang Shouwen visited the United States for the first vice-ministerial meeting of the bilateral Commercial Issues Working Group, a communication mechanism created last year.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen Talks Trade During China Trip
Over the past few days, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been in China, and during her trip she has raised a number of trade issues with her Chinese counterparts, with a focus on overcapacity and its impact on foreign markets.
U.S. and Taiwan Reaffirm Pledges on Trade and Tax
On the sideline of the WTO's Ministerial Conference last week, U.S. officials and politicians met with Taiwan's trade officials to discuss upcoming trade talks and tax arrangements.
Biden Administration Issues Order on Data Security; China a Main Target
Yesterday, the Biden administration issued an executive order on "Preventing Access to Americans’ Bulk Sensitive Personal Data and United States Government-Related Data by Countries of Concern," with China as a main country of concern.