Chinese Regulation

Total 230 Posts

China Announces 11 Month Coal Tariff Cut

Beijing announced that it would temporarily cut tariffs for all coal imports to zero for 11 months, starting on May 1, 2022. As many coal imports already enjoy zero tariffs, it is unclear how much this policy would impact the volume of coal imports.

U.S. Trade Association Warns of "Uniquely Restrictive" Data Rules in China

The US-China Business Council recently issued a report on China's data/cybersecurity regulatory regime, which it described as "uniquely restrictive." It further laid out the primary challenges that American firms are facing in complying with the laws.

Beijing Outlines Measures to Stabilize Supply Chains, Creating Company White List; Shanghai Is First to Test

During a recent virtual meeting, Chinese Vice Premier Liu He announced multiple measures to stabilize domestic supply chains. This is the most recent effort by the Chinese central government to ensure economic growth, as many cities in China are under some level of lockdown. While the implementation measures remain to

Beijing Issues Document to Create a Unified Market, Remove Local Protectionism

Last week, Beijing issued a document on creating a unified domestic market, outlining measures related to property rights protection, market access policies, monopolistic behaviors and unfair competition, data, standard setting, and local protectionism.

Beijing Issues Documents on Logistics as Lockdown Affects Supply Chain

As COVID spreads quickly in China, many cities have imposed stringent measures to contain the outbreak. With disruptions to supply chains continuing to grow, Beijing recently issued documents to ensure smooth logistics and transportation.

China's Internet Watchdog Launches Campaign to Review Tech Firms' Algorithms

China's cyber agency has launched a campaign to promote legal compliance in the use of algorithms by tech companies, according to an official notice published on April 8.

CSRC Proposes New Rules to Avoid U.S. Delistings

In a draft regulation, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and several other agencies recently updated rules governing audit and accounting information of domestic companies listed abroad. The new rules could potentially remove some hurdles for U.S. regulators to access Chinese listed companies' audit working papers.
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