Chinese Trade Remedies

Total 122 Posts

China Extends Anti-Dumping Duties on U.S. Plastics

On October 12, China’s Ministry of Commerce issued an expiry review determination for the anti-dumping duties currently in effect on Polyamide-6,6 slices/chips originating in the United States. In the determination, No. 29 Announcement [] (link in Chinese)

WTO Panel Established for Dispute between Japan and China over Steel Anti-Dumping Duties

A WTO panel was established [] on September 27 to hear a complaint brought by Japan over China's anti-dumping (AD) duties on stainless steel products. The panel has not been composed yet. This piece sets out

New Paper Shows How WTO Jurisprudence Has Created Flexibilities for Anti-Dumping Actions against Distorted Markets, Which China Has Made Use Of

A new paper [] by legal scholars Weihuan Zhou and Xiaomeng Qu looks at the evolution of the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s jurisprudence on anti-dumping (AD), focusing on the flexibility the WTO AD Agreement provides for tackling market distortions caused

China Issues Preliminary Countervailing Duty Ruling on U.S. Chemicals

On September 18, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) issued its preliminary countervailing duty ruling on certain monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol/certain glycol ethers (乙二醇和丙二醇的单烷基醚) originating in the United States. The countervailing duties will be 16.8 percent. The decision is open for comments for 10

China Provides WTO With First Half of 2021 Update on Its Countervailing Duty Actions

Pursuant to Article 25.11 of the SCM Agreement, China recently provided its semi-annual report of its countervailing duty actions, covering the period January 1 – June 30, 2021 (WTO document G/SCM/N/379/CHN [

China Updates WTO on Its Anti-Dumping Actions

Pursuant to Article 16.4 of the Anti-Dumping Agreement, China recently provided its semi-annual report of its anti-dumping actions, covering the period January 1 – June 30, 2021. The report (WTO document G/ADP/N/357/CHN [

China Announces Preliminary AD Duties of up to 65.4 Percent on U.S. Chemicals

On September 10, China’s Ministry of Commerce issued its preliminary antidumping decision on certain monoalkyl ethers of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol / certain glycol ethers (乙二醇和丙二醇的单烷基醚) originating in the United States. It also announced applicable cash deposit rates ranging from 57.4 percent to 65.3 percent. The decision
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