Total 53 Posts
Australian Trade Minister Wants Trade Talks With China
Australian trade minister Dan Tehan said during an interview
with Bloomberg Television on Wednesday that he is "very much looking forward" to
"constructive engagement" with China, which is a necessary step for China to
join the CPTPP.
Commerce Secretary Raimondo Talks About New Indo-Pacific "Economic Framework"
During an interview [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvvLyCLsw3I] at the
Bloomberg New Economy Forum in Singapore Wednesday, Commerce Secretary Gina
Raimondo was asked to clarify the U.S. approach to trade relations in Asia,
including its interest in the CPTPP or some alternative, and China's role
U.S. Senate Hearing on Two Commerce Department Nominees Raises Various U.S.-China Trade Issues
The Senate Finance Committee held a hearing
today on the nominations of two Commerce Department officials: Maria Louise Lago
as Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade, and Lisa Wang as
Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Enforcement and Compliance. The questions
from the
NZ Minister for Trade and Export Growth Responds to Questions on China, Taiwan CPTPP Applications
At a press conference [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmNXH0uEYKY] following
the APEC Ministers Meeting, New Zealand Minister for Trade and Export Growth
Damien O'Connor was asked several questions about the applications by Taiwan and
China to join the CPTPP. He avoided offering a specific response to
NZ, U.S. Trade Experts Discuss Prospects for China, Taiwan CPTPP Accession
At a Washington International Trade Association (WITA) webinar on the CPTPP
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss-ZYzWe77Y] yesterday, Tim Groser, formerly
New Zealand's ambassador to the United States, and Wendy Cutler, formerly of
USTR, both offered thoughts on various aspects of the applications by China and
Taiwan Representative Testifies before Australian Parliamentary Committee on Joining CPTPP
On October 12, the Trade Subcommittee of the Australian Parliament's Joint
Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade heard testimony from
Elliott Charng of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
Senator Cotton Calls on U.S. Trade Representative to "Stop China’s Admission to" CPTPP
In a letter [https://www.cotton.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/ustr_cptpp_letter.pdf]
to U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai dated October 5, Senator Tom Cotton
(R-AR) called on
Tai "to use tools available under the USMCA to stop