European Commission
Total 96 Posts
EU Requests WTO Consultations on Chinese Trade Restrictions against Lithuania
In response to concerns about Chinese restrictions on trade with Lithuania, which resulted from Lithuanian actions related to Taiwan, the EU has now filed a consultations request at the WTO. This piece examines the factual and legal aspects of the request, along with the EU's explanations in a
EU Anti-Dumping Decision on Tube and Pipe Fittings Discusses Role of CCP in Company Management
The European Commission has adopted a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain tube and pipe fittings, of iron or steel, originating in the People’s Republic of China (as extended to imports of these products from Taiwan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and the Philippines) following an expiry review of existing
European Parliament, Commission Discuss Anti-Coercion Instrument, with Focus on Chinese Actions
In a meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade yesterday, Denis Redonnet, Chief Trade Enforcement Officer for the European Commission, testified on issues related to the proposed "Anti-Coercion Instrument" under development by the European Commission. In this regard, during the meeting, various Chinese government
European Parliament, Commission Discuss Approaches to Forced Labor
At a meeting of the European Parliament's Committee on International Trade today, Sabine Weyand, the Director-General at DG Trade of the European Commission, testified on issues related to the European approach to forced labor, with products from the Xinjiang region clearly in the background of the discussion.
EU Countervailing Duty Decision on Optical Fibre Cables Follows Earlier Anti-Dumping Decision
In November, we wrote about the European Commission imposing anti-dumping duties ranging from 19.7% to 44% on imports of optical fibre cables from China. Yesterday, the European Commission announced countervailing duties on the same products.
EU Anti-Dumping Decision on Steel Products Discusses Role of CCP in Company Management
The European Commission has adopted a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of certain grain-oriented flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel originating in the People’s Republic of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States of America following an expiry review of existing duties. One aspect
EU Countervailing Duty Decision on Aluminum Converter Foil Discusses Role of CCP in Bank Decision-Making
The European Commission has adopted
[] definitive
countervailing duties on imports of aluminum converter foil from China. The
level of anti-dumping duties imposed
on this product several weeks ago ranged from 15.4% to 28.