Intellectual Property

Total 73 Posts

Changes to Threshold for Trade Secret Theft in China After Phase One Deal

As part of the U.S.-China Phase One agreement, China agreed to lower the threshold for trade secret infringement as one of the prerequisites for criminal cases. A review of recent legislative amendments and court rulings shows how China is implementing the commitment.

WTO Panel Announces Timetable for EU-China IP Dispute

In a communication dated November 2, and circulated by the WTO today, a WTO panel estimated that it would issue its final report in an EU complaint against certain Chinese IP practices "not before the second half of 2024."

U.S. Commerce Department Considering AD/CVD Rule Changes for Inaction on IP, Labor, Environment, Human Rights

The U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) has announced proposed rule changes that would take into account "inaction" by foreign governments in a number of policy areas as part of the calculation of anti-dumping and countervailing duties.

European Commission Issues Report on IP Rights

The report identifies China as "the top priority country," and discusses progress, concerns and areas for improvement and action, and EU action on IP rights in China.

MOFCOM Official Bashes USTR Report on IP

A Chinese official from the Ministry of Commerce recently criticized the 2023 Special 301 Report published by the Office of the United States Trade Representative, calling it "lacking in objectivity and fairness."

Textron Wins Patent Lawsuit against DJI, Jury Awards Damages

In a recent ruling by a jury in Texas, U.S. conglomerate Textron, which runs aircraft, defense, industrial and finance businesses, won a patent infringement lawsuit against DJI, a Chinese commercial drone maker.

USTR Releases 2023 Special 301 Report on Intellectual Property Protection and Enforcement

Earlier this week, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released its 2023 Special 301 Report "on the adequacy and effectiveness of U.S. trading partners’ protection and enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights," repeating many of its long-standing complaints about Chinese policies and practices in
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