Total 15 Posts

Chinese Electric Utility Brings ISDS Case against Laos

An electric utility project described by China as being part of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has led to international arbitration, as the Chinese company in charge of the project has sued the Laotian government for US$555 million.

U.S. Appeals Court Rejects Nigerian Sovereign Immunity Defense in Lawsuit over Arbitration Award on Chinese Investment

In an opinion issued last week, a U.S. appeals court ruled against Nigeria's motion to dismiss a lawsuit by a Chinese company trying to enforce an international investment arbitration award.

Chinese-Owned Mining Company Moves Ahead with ISDS Claim against Colombia

An investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) case brought by a Chinese-owned mining company against the Colombian government, on the basis of a failure to rein in illegal mining activities and related violence, has moved forward.

Ganfeng ISDS Claim Moves Forward on Mexican Lithium Mine

In response to Mexican government actions that it believes are undermining its lithium mining operations, Chinese company Ganfeng International Trading and two of its UK-based affiliates (Bacanora Lithium and Sonora Lithium) are pushing ahead with an ISDS complaint against Mexico.

Cosco-Peru Port Dispute Investment Arbitration Initiated

A dispute between the Peruvian government and a Chinese company building a port in Peru has taken the first step towards an investment arbitration proceeding, although there is still time for the parties to work out their differences.

China-Nicaragua Free Trade Agreement Enters into Force

On January 1, the China-Nicaragua Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force. In this piece, we examine the details of the schedules of tariff concessions under the FTA, and the provisions on services trade and investment.

Chinese-Owned Mining Company Files Investment Claim against Colombia

Various reports indicate that a Chinese-owned mining company operating in Colombia has filed a claim against the government of Colombia, arguing that the government's failure to protect its gold mine operation from violent attacks violates international investment obligations.
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