National Security

Total 184 Posts

Exclusive Interview with Former WTO Appellate Body Chairman James Bacchus: National Security, Tech War, and the WTO

"I would certainly strongly advise the United States to abandon this notion that it is the sole judge of the meaning of Article XXI."

U.S. and Hong Kong/China Continue to Spar on WTO Origin Marking Dispute

At the WTO's DSB meeting last Friday, the U.S., Hong Kong, and China all offered comments on issues underlying the recent WTO panel report that found U.S. origin marking requirements related to products from Hong Kong to be in violation of WTO rules.

Chinese Associations Question the WTO-Consistency of Japan's New Export Controls

Multiple Chinese trade and industry associations expressed their opposition to new Japanese export control rules over the weekend, calling them "discriminatory" and a violation of WTO rules.

WTO Meeting Addresses Various China-U.S. Trade Issues

At a WTO meeting that was held yesterday and today, several long-standing and new China-U.S. trade conflicts were on the agenda.

Law Review Article Considers Huawei ISDS Complaint against Sweden

A new law review article discusses the Huawei investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) challenge to the Swedish government's decision to ban its products from the 5G network on the basis of national security concerns. The author concludes that "it is likely that the arbitral tribunal will substantially defer

China Trade Issues Discussed at December 2022 WTO Council for Trade in Services Meeting

At a meeting of the WTO's Council for Trade in Services on December 8, 2022, several trade issues involving China that had been raised previously were on the agenda again.

Canadian Parliament Debates Foreign Investment Screening Bill, China Concerns Prominent

The Canadian Parliament has been debating legislation proposed by the Liberal Trudeau government that would amend Canada's investment screening procedures. During the debate, concerns about China have been raised a number of times by the Conservative opposition party, who are pushing to strengthen the bill in several ways.
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