Total 6 Posts
Chinese Trade Remedy Measure Update on EU Brandy, U.S. Polysilicon, and Chemicals
China’s Ministry of Commerce provided some updates on several trade remedy cases in recent weeks. In addition, there is an indication that it may start trade remedy investigations on U.S. chips.
China Extends Anti-Dumping Duties on Rubber Products
Last month, China's Ministry of Commerce extended its anti-dumping measures on rubber products from Japan and South Korea.
China Rolls Out Final Trade Remedy Rulings on U.S. PPO
On January 6, China's Ministry of Commerce issued its final anti-dumping and countervailing duty rulings on polyphenylene ether / polyphenylene oxide originating from the United States. In these final rulings, the anti-dumping duties remained about the same as in the preliminary ruling, but the countervailing duties fell considerably and
China Issues Preliminary Countervailing Duty Ruling on U.S. Polyphenylene Ether
On October 14, China’s Ministry of Commerce issued a preliminary ruling
[http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/article/zwgk/gkzcfb/202110/20211003207449.shtml] (link
in Chinese) in the countervailing duty investigation on polyphenylene
ether/polyphenylene oxide (PPO) (聚苯醚) imports from the United States and imposed
17.7% deposits on these
China Announces Preliminary AD Duties of up to 48.6 Percent on U.S. Polyphenylene Ether
On September 6, China’s MOFCOM issued an affirmative preliminary ruling in its
anti-dumping investigation on polyphenylene ether/polyphenylene oxide (PPE or
PPO, hereinafter referred to as "PPO") originating in the United States, and
announced applicable cash deposit rates ranging from 18.3 percent to 48.6
China Extends AD/CVD Investigation Periods on U.S. Polyphenylene Ether
On July 26, China’s Ministry of Commerce announced that it would extend the
antidumping and countervailing duty investigation periods on polyphenylene ether
imported from the United States.
The No. 17 Notice
[http://cacs.mofcom.gov.cn/cacscms/article/jkdc?articleId=170071&type=F] and
18 Notice