SCM Committee

Total 15 Posts

China's Subsidy Notifications Discussed at WTO Meeting; U.S. Poses Questions

A recent meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures discussed various Chinese subsidy notifications. In addition, the U.S. asked some detailed questions this week about China's most recent notification.

WTO Subsidy Meeting Discusses U.S. Subsidies and CVDs, Chinese Overcapacity and Transparency

As CTM reported in early May, at the May 2 meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, a number of issues were raised by other WTO Members about China's subsidy policies; and China brought up concerns with certain U.S. measures, including the

Problems with Appointments to WTO Group of Subsidy Experts Continue; Taiwanese Candidate Added to Mix

The political difficulties that arose in relation to appointing a Chair of the WTO's GPA Committee may be continuing in the context of appointments to the WTO's subsidy expert group.

WTO Committee Reviews China's Subsidy Notifications

At a Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures meeting on May 2, for which the minutes have recently been circulated, WTO Members reviewed subsidy notifications that had been made, including the notifications made by China.

WTO Subsidy Meeting Deals With Various China Issues

At a meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures on Tuesday, a number of issues were raised by other Members about China's trade policies and practices, in particular relating to transparency; and China brought up concerns with certain U.S. measures, including the

At WTO Subsidy Meeting, Governments Raise Issues Related to Expert Group Appointment, Discrimination, Overcapacity, Transparency

At a meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in October, there was continued disagreement about the possible appointment of a Chinese citizen to the SCM Committee's Permanent Group of Experts; China raised issues related to the U.S. CHIPS Act and Inflation

At WTO Meeting, U.S, China Spar over Government Guidance Fund Support for Semiconductor Industry

At a special meeting of the WTO Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in October 2022, the United States and China discussed practices related to a Chinese "government guidance fund" in the semiconductor sector.
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