
Total 69 Posts

USITC Votes To Extend Solar Safeguard Tariffs; Final Decision Is Biden's

On November 24, the USITC determined that the U.S. safeguard measure on solar products that is currently in effect is still necessary to protect the domestic industry after it expires on February 6, 2022. As we described in two [] posts [

USDOC Rejects U.S. Solar Industry Anti-Circumvention Petition; Industry Considers Next Steps

As we reported here [] , on August 16 a group of U.S. companies called the American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention (A-SMACC) filed anti-circumvention petitions related to AD/CVD orders that had been imposed in December 2012 on photovoltaic cells from China. The Commerce Department

Domestic Industry Points to Changed Treasury Department Conclusions on Currency Issues in Review of Solar CVD

As we reported here [] , in an administrative review for a U.S. countervailing duty order for imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells from China during 2019, the domestic industry alleged that Chinese currency undervaluation in this period constitutes a countervailable subsidy. The Department of Commerce

GOP Senators Send Letter to U.S. International Development Finance Corporation on Solar Panels and Forced Labor

On November 4, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Thom Tillis (R-NC), Rick Scott (R-FL), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Ben Sasse (R-NE), and Jerry Moran (R-KS) sent a letter [] to Acting Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. International

Chinese Solar Panel Maker Responds To Reports of Blocked Shipments

Tensions continue over allegations of the use of forced labor in Chinese solar panel production and blocked shipments to the United States as a result. U.S. Customs officials have been looking into this issue closely in recent [] months [] , and

Review of Solar CVD Looks At Chinese Currency Undervaluation

In an administrative review for a U.S. countervailing duty order for imports of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells from China during 2019, the petitioners in the case alleged that Chinese currency undervaluation in this period constitutes a countervailable subsidy. The Department of Commerce (DOC) asked the Treasury Department for input

U.S. Solar Companies Argue that Chinese Economic Coercion Justifies Keeping Identities Secret in AD/CVD Proceeding

As we described here [] , on August 16 a group of U.S. companies called the American Solar Manufacturers Against Chinese Circumvention (A-SMACC) filed anti-circumvention petitions related to AD/CVD orders that had been imposed in December 2012 on photovoltaic cells from China. The petitions relate
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