Total 123 Posts

Brazil-China Beef Trade Held Up Due to Mad Cow Cases

The Brazilian government is reportedly anxious about renewing its beef trade with China after a suspension of Brazilian exports due to cases of mad cow disease. It seems as though China is taking longer than expected to resolve the issue with its Brazilian counterparts. Brazil is a major source of

China Suspends Pork and Beef Imports from the UK, Mongolia, and Haiti

China’s Customs agency recently announced that it would suspend imports of some beef products from the United Kingdom and Mongolia, as well as some pork products from Haiti, due to sanitary concerns. All three documents were issued on September 29 and took effect immediately. According to one announcement [http:

Taiwan May Challenge China at the WTO over Fruit Bans

After China imposed an import suspension on two types of Taiwanese fruit last week, Taiwanese officials warned of challenging this decision at the WTO. This challenge could simply be raising the issue in a WTO Committee, but if it turns into a formal dispute, it would be the first WTO

U.S. Raises Concerns Again at the WTO About China’s Trade Measures Related to COVID-19

On July 20, the United States made another submission [https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filename=q:/G/SPS/GEN1943.pdf&Open=True] to the SPS Committee targeting China’s trade restrictive measures taken as a response to COVID-19. In the submission, which is the U.
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