State Trading Enterprises

Total 7 Posts

China Notifies WTO of State Trading Enterprises

China recently submitted its notification to the WTO of its state trading enterprises, covering the years 2021-2023.

WTO Meeting Discusses China's State Trading Enterprises

At a recent WTO meeting, several WTO Members continued to press China on the sufficiency of its notifications related to state-trading enterprises.

U.S., EU Continue to Press China at WTO on State Trading Enterprises

At the meeting of the WTO Working Party on State Trading Enterprises on October 20, 2023, for which the minutes were recently circulated, the U.S. and EU complained that China had provided insufficient information in its notification.

U.S., EU Press China at WTO State Trading Enterprises Working Party Meeting

At the meeting of the WTO Working Party on State Trading Enterprises on April 28, 2023, for which the minutes were recently circulated, the U.S. and EU complained that China had provided insufficient information in its notification.

U.S. Raises Questions on China's State-Trading Enterprise Notification at WTO

At a WTO meeting earlier this year, the United States continued its push for transparency in China's trade practices by pressing for more information on China's state-trading enterprises.

China Notifies WTO of State Trading Enterprise Imports and Exports

The WTO circulated today [] a notification from China submitted on October 19, 2021 entitled "New and full notification pursuant to Article XVII:4(a) of the GATT [

Australia Raises Various Chinese Trade Restrictions at WTO State-Trading Enterprise Meeting

It has been widely reported in the media that Australia-China trade relations have deteriorated in recent months. Some aspects of this issue have been discussed in WTO committees and other bodies. At the May 3 meeting of the WTO’s Working Party on State-Trading Enterprises, for which the minutes were
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