Total 49 Posts
China-Nicaragua Early Harvest Agreement Enters into Force in May
China's tariff commission announced today that starting on May 1, 60 types of goods from Nicaragua will be tariff free. This is part of an early agreement reached between the two governments, as a precursor of a more comprehensive trade agreement for which the negotiations are ongoing.
China To Lower Tariffs for Three More African LDCs
The Chinese government announced that three more African least developed countries (LDCs), Burundi, Ethiopia, and Niger, will benefit from zero tariffs for 98% of tariff lines when exporting to China, starting in March.
China Extends Tariff Exclusions on Some U.S. Imports
China's Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council announced this week that it will again extend tariff exclusions on some U.S. goods that were subject to retaliatory tariffs as a response to U.S. Section 301 tariffs.
China Lowers Tariffs on 1020 Items
Starting on January 1, the Chinese government unilaterally lowered tariffs for some imports, mainly consumer goods, medical products, and industrial materials. In addition, lower tariffs will apply to some goods as a result of international agreements that China committed to previously. Finally, the government also adjusted some export taxes.
China Extends Tariff Exclusions on Some U.S. Imports
China's Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council announced that it will again extend tariff exclusions on some U.S. goods that were subject to retaliatory tariffs as a response to U.S. Section 301 tariffs.
China and Tanzania Sign Agreements on Trade, Loans and Infrastructure
Last week, China announced that it would grant zero tariffs on imports from Tanzania, along with nine other Least Developed Countries, covering 98% of items in the tariff schedule. This came after a high-level meeting between the two countries earlier this month, where China made promises on trade, loans, investment,
China Extends Preferential Tariffs to Ten More Countries
China's Customs Tariff Commission announced that it will grant zero tariffs on imports from 10 more Least Developed Countries (LDCs), covering 98% of items in the tariff schedule, effective on December 1.