Total 45 Posts
China Further Curbs Steel Exports
On July 29, China announced that it would again adjust the export tariffs for
certain steel products (including ferrochrome and high-purity pig iron), and
cancel export tax rebates for some steel products (including cold-rolled
products and hot-dipped galvanized coil). The decisions were announced through
two separate notices and will take
Deputy USTR Nominee Sarah Bianchi on Tariffs against China and Chinese Digital Trade Regulation
At a Senate Finance Committee hearing
on the nominations of several Biden administration officials, Senator Ron Wyden
asked Sarah Bianchi, one of the Biden administration's nominees for Deputy U.S.
Trade Representative, some questions about U.S. trade policy as it
China Releases 2020 Tariff Rates
China’s Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council issued a notice
promulgating the “Import and Export Tariffs of the People’s Republic of China
(2020) ” (《进出口税则(2020)
[http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/2019-12/31/content_5465302.htm]》) on December 30,
2019. The notice sets the basic tariff rates and