Trade Remedies against China

Total 177 Posts

EU Adjusts Countervailing Duties on Chinese EVs

The European Commission announced today that it had made some adjustments to the provisional countervailing duties it previously set on imports of Chinese EVs, as part of the draft definitive findings given to the parties for review.

WTO Posts Chinese Complaint on EU Provisional CVDs on EVs

China's WTO consultations request on the EU's provisional countervailing duties on Chinese EVs is now available, and provides details on China's legal claims in the case.

China Files WTO Complaint against EU Anti-Subsidy Duties on EVs

According to China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), China has requested WTO consultations with the EU in relation to the EU's provisional countervailing duties on Chinese EV imports.

The Use of Trade Remedies Against China: Data Since WTO Entry Shows Frequent, Steady Usage

Commentary suggests a recent surge in the use of trade remedies against Chinese products, but the data shows a steady stream of trade remedy investigations over the years.

At WTO Meeting, China and Other Governments Trade Criticisms of Anti-Dumping Measures

At the WTO Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices meeting on April 24, 2024, for which the minutes were recently circulated, the EU, Japan, and Singapore raised concerns with various Chinese anti-dumping measures, and China criticized an Australian anti-dumping sunset review.

MOFCOM Comments on EU Duties, Trade, and Investment

At a press conference today, a spokesperson for China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) provided comments on the EU's anti-dumping duties on Chinese biodiesel, the renewed effort to bolster cross-border trade and investment with risk control, and China's outbound investment.

Chinese Auto Industry Criticizes EU's EV Investigation

A Chinese industry association and a major automaker criticized the European Commission's anti-subsidy investigation of Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) as being inconsistent with WTO rules. Criticisms include inflating the subsidy rate, a lack of transparency, an unusual sampling process, and requesting excessive information.
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