Total 220 Posts

At WTO Subsidy Meeting, Governments Raise Issues Related to Expert Group Appointment, Discrimination, Overcapacity, Transparency

At a meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in October, there was continued disagreement about the possible appointment of a Chinese citizen to the SCM Committee's Permanent Group of Experts; China raised issues related to the U.S. CHIPS Act and Inflation

China's Questions, U.S. Answers from U.S. Trade Policy Review at WTO

The WTO has posted the written and additional written questions by WTO Members and replies provided by the United States during the U.S. trade policy review carried out last December, with China asking extensive questions of the United States as part of this process.

WTO Meeting Addresses Various China-U.S. Trade Issues

At a WTO meeting that was held yesterday and today, several long-standing and new China-U.S. trade conflicts were on the agenda.

U.S. and Hong Kong/China Spar over Origin Marking Panel Report at WTO

At the WTO's DSB meeting last Friday, the United States, Hong Kong, and China all offered comments on the recent WTO panel report finding U.S. origin marking requirements related to products from Hong Kong to be in violation of WTO rules.

Measures and Trade Concerns Related to China Discussed at November 2022 TBT Committee Meeting

At the meeting of the WTO's Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade on November 16-18, 2022, a number of WTO Members raised "specific trade concerns" (STCs) about particular Chinese measures, and China voiced its concerns with measures of other Members.

WTO Panel Composed in EU Complaint about Chinese Anti-Suit Injunctions

The WTO announced today that a panel had been composed to hear an EU complaint related to China's enforcement of intellectual property rights.

China Trade Issues Discussed at December 2022 WTO Council for Trade in Services Meeting

At a meeting of the WTO's Council for Trade in Services on December 8, 2022, several trade issues involving China that had been raised previously were on the agenda again.
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