Total 215 Posts

WTO Members Discuss China Trade Issues at March SPS Meeting

At the WTO SPS Committee meeting held on March 23-25, for which the meeting minutes were recently circulated, there were discussions of a number of SPS measures imposed by China or imposed by other Members against Chinese goods.

Measures and Trade Concerns Related to China Discussed at March 2022 TBT Committee Meeting

At the meeting of the WTO’s Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade held on March 8-9, 2022, a number of WTO Members raised “specific trade concerns” (STCs) about particular Chinese measures, and China voiced its concerns with measures of other Members.

WTO Services Trade Meeting Sees Several China Trade Issues Raised Again

At a WTO meeting of the Council for Trade in Services on May 16, 2022, several trade issues involving China that had been raised previously were on the agenda again.

China Trade Issues Discussed at Two Recent WTO Meetings

At two recent WTO meetings for which the minutes have now been circulated, a number of issues related to China trade were raised by other Members against China, including regulations on cosmetics and food imports, and also by China in relation to other Members, such as export controls and 5G

U.S. Reiterates Concerns over Chinese Covid and Overseas Food Regulation Measures

In recent submissions at a WTO Committee, the United States has reiterated some of its previously raised concerns about specific Chinese food regulations.

Q & A with Inu Manak on WTO Fisheries Subsidies Deal

At the recently concluded WTO Ministerial Conference, one of the key negotiating outcomes was a new agreement on fisheries subsidies. China is a leading provider of these subsidies, so the scope of the disciplines in this new agreement is of great importance to Chinese policymakers. At one point in the

TRIPS Waiver Agreed To at WTO Ministerial Conference; China Promises Not To Use It

The WTO's 12th Ministerial Conference concluded early in the morning of June 17 with a number of new decisions and declarations. In relation to China trade issues, one area of particular controversy had been whether China would be eligible to use a waiver of certain TRIPS Agreement rules
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