Total 215 Posts

EU Files WTO Complaint Against China for Restricting EU Companies from Going to Foreign Court for Patent Protection

The European Union announced today that it is filing a complaint against China at the World Trade Organization (WTO) "for restricting EU companies from going to a foreign court to protect and use their patents."

USTR Issues Report to Congress On China’s WTO Compliance

Today the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issued its 20th report on China's compliance with "commitments made in connection with its accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), including both multilateral commitments and any bilateral commitments made to the United States."

Report Suggests New TRIPS Waiver Proposals Seek To Exclude China

A report from an independent reporting initiative in Geneva indicates that as the United States and others work on a possible TRIPS Waiver, they may try to exclude China from benefitting.

U.S. and UK Press China on WTO Subsidy Notification

In response to China's July 2021 subsidies notification to the WTO, the United States and the United Kingdom have both submitted a series of questions to China.

WTO Members Question China's Trade Measures Related to COVID and More at SPS Meeting

At a WTO SPS Committee meeting in November, for which the meeting minutes were just circulated, WTO Members discussed a number of SPS measures imposed by China.

WTO Anti-Dumping Committee Sees Discussion of Trade Remedies By and Against China

At the October 27 meeting of the WTO's Committee on Anti-Dumping Practices, a number of issues related to trade remedies against China and trade remedies taken by China were discussed.

EU Requests WTO Consultations on Chinese Trade Restrictions against Lithuania

In response to concerns about Chinese restrictions on trade with Lithuania, which resulted from Lithuanian actions related to Taiwan, the EU has now filed a consultations request at the WTO. This piece examines the factual and legal aspects of the request, along with the EU's explanations in a
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