Total 215 Posts

WTO Arbitrator Issues Decision on China's Proposed Retaliation for U.S. WTO Violation

After a decision issued today by a WTO arbitrator, China can now seek final authorization from the WTO's Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) to impose tariffs in response to a U.S. violation of WTO rules.

Panel Composed in WTO Complaint Brought By Japan on Chinese Anti-Dumping Measures

As we reported here, on September 27, 2021 the WTO established a panel to hear a dispute over China's anti-dumping (AD) duties on stainless steel products from Japan (DS601). Today, the WTO announced that the panel in the case was composed on January 24 by the WTO Director-General.

China Files WTO Panel Request Against Various Australian AD/CVD Measures

In July, we wrote about China's request for consultations at the WTO on AD/CVD measures by Australia against several Chinese products: wind towers, stainless steels sinks, and railway wheels. China has now filed a panel request in that dispute.

WTO General Council Meeting in October Shows Continuing Conflict Over Appointment of Taiwanese Chair of GPA Committee

In October, we reported that at the October 7-8 General Council meeting, the United States put forward a "Room Document" (RD/GC/16) in support of the appointment of Ms Liang-Rong Lin of Taiwan -- or the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei)

Japan, U.S., Other Members Raise Concerns with China's Cybersecurity Measures at WTO Meeting

At a WTO meeting of the Council for Trade in Services on October 22, 2021, Japan and the U.S. put China's cybersecurity measures on the agenda. These two Members, along with Canada, Australia, and the EU, offered comments on the measures, expressing concern with the burdens they

Highlights from Question & Answer Phase of China's Trade Policy Review

On December 22, the WTO circulated the question and answer part of China's Trade Policy Review. The full document is 562 pages and contains hundreds of questions and answers, so it is difficult to provide a comprehensive summary. What we have tried to do in this piece is

China Agrees To Use Arbitration Appeal Mechanism in WTO Wine Dispute With Australia

In a WTO complaint [https://www.chinatrademonitor.com/key-legal-issues-in-the-wto-dispute-on-chinas-anti-dumping-rulings-on-australian-wine/] by Australia against Chinese anti-dumping duties on Australian wine (DS602), China and Australia have agreed to procedures [https://docs.wto.org/dol2fe/Pages/SS/directdoc.aspx?filename=q:/WT/DS/589-5.pdf&Open=True] for using an alternative mechanism for
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