Total 220 Posts
USTR Receives Comments on China's Compliance with WTO Commitments, Cancels Hearing
The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has canceled a public hearing on China's compliance with WTO commitments, but 20 comments from various organizations have now been submitted, and these will be taken into account as USTR prepares its annual report to Congress.
China Submits Position Paper to WTO on Japan's Discharge of Nuclear-Contaminated Water
Last week, China submitted a WTO communication entitled "Position Paper of China Regarding Japan's Discharge of Nuclear-Contaminated Water into the Ocean."
Update on Japan-China Radioactive Water Dispute
The China-Japan trade dispute that has resulted from Japan's discharge of treated radioactive wastewater has not yet developed into a formal WTO dispute, but there have been some new developments related to the issue over the past few days.
WTO Subsidy Meeting Discusses U.S. Subsidies and CVDs, Chinese Overcapacity and Transparency
As CTM reported in early May, at the May 2 meeting of the WTO's Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, a number of issues were raised by other WTO Members about China's subsidy policies; and China brought up concerns with certain U.S. measures, including the
China Updates WTO on Its Anti-Dumping Actions for First Half of 2023
Pursuant to Article 16.4 of the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement, China recently provided its semi-annual report of its anti-dumping actions, covering the period January 1 – June 30, 2023.
China Notifies WTO of Emergency Restrictions on Japanese Imports; Japan Objects
Last week, China notified the WTO of its emergency restrictions on Japanese aquatic products based on Japan's discharge of treated radioactive water, and Japan has now raised objections at the WTO.
Problems with Appointments to WTO Group of Subsidy Experts Continue; Taiwanese Candidate Added to Mix
The political difficulties that arose in relation to appointing a Chair of the WTO's GPA Committee may be continuing in the context of appointments to the WTO's subsidy expert group.